Friday, October 05, 2007

25 years!!!

In exactly a week I'll turn 25.. wow thts a significant part of ur life where ur supposed to have a 1/4 life crisis & give a hard think abt where you want to be in life after say 15years. If you are being realistic enough you might find an answer taht u'll be driving to work each week day pick up kids from school may be groceries for ur wife . At that time I'll start having a receding hairline & a growing paunch.. Anything I missed?? I don't think so..

Then why we think abt the future @ 25. I guess that's because we want to know which office i drive to in which car , which school to send d kids & which grocery store to buy grocery( Bye bye walmart??? ) Thats why we plan for future to answer the big question WHICH?

Anyways question apart next week I'm officially completing 25 years which makes the fact that I'm getting old true.. Definitely I'm not getting any younger tho i'm in grad school hanging out with young ppl :)..