Monday, September 18, 2006


Thanks to my Roomie I now know How it feels to be free.

On saturday I dozed off listening to songs in my Ipod as the power went off. My roomie was planning to go out somewhere, I sleepily told him to lock the door & go & then went to sleep. My house can be opened from inside. I woke up after an hour or so & tried opening the door. The door was locked & LATCHED from the outside. I called up one of my neighbour only to know that he's on his way home & would take 45 minutes for him to reach home. In Short i was under House Arrest!!

55 Minutesd passed.. There was the Sound of my neighbour opening the Latch.. I felt some kind of happiness that can't be described in words. I Stepped outside & saw out. Its the same thing I see each day, but at that moment I felt different. Then the thought Struck me was how people feel to be Free..

Inspite of me having all the necessites when i was latched in ( TV, Mobile ,Comp, some Mysurpa & boondhi,water, bed etc) i did not feel comfortable at all. Just wondering how it would be for thousands of people under a opressed rule being a prisoners in their own soil or even my grandfather when he was my age to live in a his own country under a foriegn rule!!

There are lot of things we take for granted, but we realise the importance of these only when something happens. Happy to realise that I'm Free in this great Country


At 11:27 PM, Blogger Ram said...



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